As we observe the 13th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil I thought that this would be a good opportunity to state my views on what happened. I believe that there was a conspiracy to destroy the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. I believe that dozens of people were involved in the conspiracy, but none of them were named Bush, Cheney, or Wolfowitz. None of them worked for the US government or an oil company. I believe that they were all members of Al Qaeda and here's why.
Al Qaeda had a history of conducting well orchestrated attacks like we saw on 9-11. They had the funds, the organizational skills, and the planning to pull it off. And they were dedicated enough to their cause to have 19 of their members commit suicide carrying it out.
I can hear some of you now yelling out "but what about WTC 7?" "Why wasn't there any plane debris in Shanksville, Penn.?" "Why wasn't there a plane in the video of the Pentagon attack?" "Why was the WTC the first skyscraper to ever collapse because of a fire?" All of those questions have been asnwered by experts for anybody who's really interested in the truth. I believe that many of the "truthers" want their story to be heard, and they're more interested in that than the truth.
There's an old saying that "if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is". That usually has to do with investment scams, but I think the same principle is applicable here as well. As much as the truthers would like for this conspiracy theory to be true, it just isn't possible. You see, the logistics of pulling off a government conspiracy in cahoots with the military-industrial complex to attack targets in the US as a pretext to go to war for oil make the theory completely impossible. How many people would have to keep quiet? How many people involved in the subsequent investigations would have to be involved in the coverup? How much of the preparatory work would have had to be conducted without detection? Remember, this was the same administration that couldn't find Osama bin Laden and looked for months for Saddam Hussein, and never did find the stockpiles of WMD that they claimed were there in the buildup to the invasion of Iraq. After all, this was the same president who said "is our children learning?" and "misunderestimate", and "subliminable". Do you really believe that these guys were capable of plotting and carrying out the most brilliant false flag operation in world history?
1998 Al Qaeda embassy attack |
Here's what really happened. Osama bin Laden formed Al Qaeda at the end of the Afghan-Soviet war around 1990. When Saudi Arabia invited US troops into their country to defend against a possible invation by Saddam's Iraqi forces, bin Laden was incensed and began carrying out terrorist attacks against the west. In 1992 he sent soldiers into Somalia who shot down two US helicopters in Mogadishu. In 1993 the WTC bombing killed six people. The mastermind of the operation was a radical Muslim named Ramzi Yousef. Yousef avoided capture until 1995 when he was discovered in a house in Pakistan owned by bin Laden. In 1998 bin Laden told ABC reporter John Miller that he intended to keep targeting Americans. Later that year Al Qaeda blew up the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Three years later they followed that up with the 9/11 attacks.
That's my theory anyway. Let me ask you what you think is more likely. Is it more likely that the cabal or international bankers or the military-industrial complex along with the Bush administration planned this and executed it to perfection as a premise to go to war in Iraq? (First of all, they didn't claim that Iraq was behind the attacks. They said that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. If they lied about all of this why didn't they just say that the hijackers were Iraqis? And if they lied about WMD instead of just telling us what their flawed intel led them to believe, why didn't they just plant stockpiles of WMD in Iraq so that they could "find" them later and justify the invasion rather than stand before the whole world with egg on their collective faces? To me it sounds more like incompetence than anything else.) Or is it more likely that a small group of well-trained and well-funded radical Muslims who were already linked to a previous attack on the WTC discovered breaches in our air travel system and exploited them in an attempt to destroy our economy?
This is just the big picture analysis argument against the government conspiracy. And now for a more detailed analysis of the evidence.
1. Truthers claim that a missile hit the Pentagon. The fact is there were at least a hundred witnesses who saw an airliner strike the building. In addition to that, conservative commentator Barbara Olson was on that plane and has never been heard from since along with all of the other passengers on all of the other planes that were hijacked. Olson was on her way to tape a segment of Bill Maher's TV show
Politically Incorrect. Maybe this is one reason Bill Maher is so adamantly opposed to the government conspiracy theory.
2. Truthers claim that WTC 7 was brought down in a controlled implosion. I will admit that it looks like a controlled implosion, but to do a controlled implosion on a 47 story building like that would have created an audible blast of 130-140 decibels for up to half a mile which wasn't reported by anybody there. Besides that, it would have been virtually impossible to transport that much explosive material into the building undetected.
3. Truthers claim that the statement "maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it" by WTC 7 owner Larry Silverstein is proof that it was a controlled implosion. But Silverstein is on record saying that he was talking to the fire chief about pulling the firefighters out of the building because it was obviously in danger of collapsing. He was not talking to a demolition crew.
4. Truthers reject the investigation and findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), apparently considering them complicit in the conspiracy. (Use Google and see the numerous references to the NIST cover-up.)
5. Truthers reject the findings of Popular Mechanics' 2005 article called "Debunking the 9/11 Myths", so I guess they're also in on the cover-up, even though they consulted more than 300 experts in fields like air traffic control, aviation, civil engineering, fire fighting, and metallurgy, and then rigorously, meticulously, and scientifically analyzed the 25 most persistent 9/11 conspiracy theories.
This is just a small sampling of the many things that truthers get wrong. For further illumination see:
Many of the leaders of Al Qaeda have been eliminated since 2011, including Osama bin Laden. And yet the threat continues, as we're seeing now with ISIS in their quest for a caliphate in Syria and Iraq, and their threats against the US. In order to defeat our enemies we need to first of all recognize who our enemy is. When conspiracy theorists cloud the issue with featherbrained accusations it distracts us from the real issue and how to resolve it. Hopefully we won't need to experience another 9/11 to convince us all that the threat from militant Islam is real.