Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sandy Hook & James Foley

Supposedly there is now a link between the "bogus" Sandy Hook shooting spree and the "bogus" beheading of James Foley.  Referred to as "the smoking gun" by conspiracy nuts, the former classmate of deranged mass murderer Adam Lanza known as Alex Israel is actually played by the same actress who pretended to be James Foley's sister Katie. 

The fact that family members can still manage a smile or chuckle doesn't prove anything.  In fact, if these were all actors you would think they would go out of their way to stick to the script and portray nothing but grief.  The fact is people deal with grief in different ways.  Sometimes laughter helps you to cope with the pain. 
As one who has done his share of debunking, I think it might behoove this putz to dig a little deeper.  You can't just take a bunch of goofy theories and slap two still frames alongside of each other and claim that you proved anything.  Let's see some documentation.  How about a profile and a name for this "actress"?  How about a link to a Facebook or Twitter page where the actress admits taking part in this hoax?  How about an actor profile for the alleged brother?  Or maybe a bio on James Foley that shows no sister named Katie or a photo of Katie that doesn't match?   
I think a better comparison of the two might be this video. 

The hair is not the same, knucklehead.  Alex has hers parted slightly to the right and Katie has hers parted on the left side.  And the noses are different, too.  And then there's the teeth.

Look at the slightly crooked and gapped teeth on Alex vs. the big, straight chompers on Katie.  They are obviously two different people.

Besides that, the Sandy Hook shooting wasn't faked.  How hard would it be to cover up the fake killing of 26 people?  You would think that somebody would have slipped up somewhere and got caught alive and well since 2012 but no, they're all still dead.  Snopes did a pretty thorough investigation into it and dispelled the conspiracy BS point by point.  But even if you reject Snopes' findings you still have to explain the reason our government would fake the murder of 26 people?  To confiscate our guns?  Okay, that was two years ago folks.  How many of your guns have been taken away?

By the way, there are death certificates of the Sandy Hook victims.  That's another lie. 

And finally, the murder of James Foley wasn't faked either

You have to understand that whatever biases members of the mainstream media may have, they still have to maintain a certain amount of credibility.  They still have accountability to their respective news organizations.  The same is true for politicians.  In fact some people believe that Al Gore's embellishments cost him the presidency.  Whatever you think of the mainstream media and the US government they still have more credibility and accountability than these anonymous news sources and conspiracy theory pimps on the internet. 

It's fine to question your government.  It's great to look for answers.  It's even okay to say that there are bad people in powerful positions in our government, military, and business communities.  But it's not okay to fabricate and lock yourself into one viewpoint to the point that facts and the truth are no longer of any interest to you.  The truth matters.  And the truth here is that over two dozen people were gunned down at an elementary school in Connecticut two years ago.  The familes were devastated, and now they have to deal with conspiracy nuts saying it didn't happen.  Shame on you!  Whatever your position on gun control you have no right to spread these lies.

And ISIS is real, folks.  They might be engaging in a bit of propaganda and PR but they are a true terrorist organization, and the sooner we realize that we have an enemy to face and stop spreading these idiotic conspiracy theories the better.  There's too much at stake.

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